Are bruthas afraid of raw sex anymore?
No matter what term you use - raw, bareback, skin2skin, etc. one thing is very clear: black men are becoming more comfortable than ever with raw sex, or are they? On the surface it seems that we are becoming more comfortable with the thought - parties are held in every major city on a regular basis advertising themselves as "raw dawg events", a place where everyone know what to expect and no questions are asked, however I wonder whether this is a resurgence of pre-HIV times, or if this is simply a revealing of what was already there. Many experts believe that while safe sex was hyped throughout the 90's and early 2000's, this was merely hype, and that behind closed doors brothas and sistas for that matter were getting their grooves on skin2skin. Also, most experts agree that the development of HIV drugs that make the disease manageable in most cases has caused people to have a lot less anxiety about the epidemic. No matter how you feel about the issue, it is very clear that brothas are taking it back to the natural, what are your thoughts?
I think you are right...people are more casual about it...hell I know I am.
12:55 AM
I agree I think that most male that are having sex now are on the DL therefore they don't think about putting on a condom (forces them to realize they are having sex with another man) my self although I am not in a relationship I do have "raw" sex with two of my exboyfriends only because we all go and get tested on the regular and together. other than that no raw sex for me. especially in atlanta
6:10 PM
I think they are dumb as hell and will never learn..I don't trust anyone, and thats why the condom always stays on.
For the one that has raw sex with two of his ex's,, how do you know they are not doing the same with someone else??? Is it all that important for you NOT to wear a condom?. That thing about the DL not putting on a condom because then they will realize that they are gay,, is the dumbest shit I have ever heard.. I have had sex with a few married men, and none of them thougth about having sex without a condom.. And there are some dumb ass btms that think, "oh he is dl, so he must not have anything. You need to line them all up and smack that shit out of them, untill they get it.
2:57 PM
Those who are the most casual are those who have lost the fewest friends, lovers, and acquaintences. The world changed. Dont make it change again out of stupidity.
12:22 PM
Why ESPECIALLY in Atlanta is bareback a bad idea?
Just wondering if there was a reason.
1:35 PM
are you serious??? ever heard of a little thing called HIV??
11:57 PM
Well as far as I am concerned I think that everyone should use condoms. The reason for this is because I was in a relationship and me and the guy I was talking to didn't use condoms. After we broke up 6 months later I recieved a call from the clinic says I needed to come in because someone that I had sex with may had given me Syphilis. Not the phone call you want. Lucky my test results came back negative of all STD's. By the grace of god I didn't get syphilis from him. This has put a new spin on my life to where I will never have unprotected sex again. So if you are thinking about having unprotected sex just don't. Have unprotected sex with yourself by self plesure with yourself.
8:31 PM
The bottom line fellaz is that people are STILL have SEX this HIV/AIDS thing is not working. You have SEX PARTIES going on in just about every major city everyone of us knows what's going on in the world today u got chat/websites for instant online sex hook up so sex is being promoted everwhere, it's all about responsibility. U have guys on one hand that practices safe sex, on the other that don't like to use condoms and the ones in between that uses condoms sometimes and doesn't the other. And to the person that said no raw sex for him "especially in atlanta" HIV/AIDS is everywhere bruh I understand that you and your boyz go get tested together and on the regular but that does not mean that one of u may not have it u may test negative today and positive next year. Do some research on HIV.
11:51 AM
Speaking from a perspective of someone who hasn't experienced intercourse w/o a comdom I can't, for the life of me, understand how this behavior out weighs the risk!
I came out at 21 and now I'm 36 and it's always been the common pratice of using a condom, when did not using one become popular?
3:35 PM
Like the author writes,with the advent of HIV drugs possibbly elongating the life span of most HIV-Pos men,most of these rwabackers fall back into believing that these drugs are curative,which is not the case.On the other hand,most raw backers like the thrill of living on the edge[which unfortunately is the way to describe raw sex in these times],and so go for it.Modereator is right,these bare back parties are on the rise feling also is that 85% of these barebackers are HIV positive and feel vulnerable to it anyway[though studies have found out that one could get re-infected,increasing the viral load which these medicines are meant to reducing the load].Bottom line is that we all ADULTS who have the ability to think and probably rationalise life and its incidents,thus we should and will take responsibilty for our actions,good or bad
1:44 PM
Been to many sex parties... Seen many of the same people at the public health clinic picking up their monthly supply of HIV meds...
2:27 AM
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