Are Black Gay Prides Dying?
While the Black Gay Population is growing (the admittedly gay population at least) it seems that Black Gay Pride celebrations are shrinking in size, or shifting from longtime stronghold for new exciting destinations. Washington DC, which was once a black gay Mecca as far as prides were concerned has seemingly been replaced by the more en vogue Puerto Rico this year. I was not there, but from what a hear it was a great time. In other instances a particular city may not have been replaced by a more desirable location, their event may simply be fading away all on its own. Not only are our black gay prides struggling to keep their organizational structures and attendance rates up, they are also struggling to find much needed corporate sponsorship. Jasmine Cannick explores this issue in a recent article in the Southern Voice. One point she highlights is that most of the major sponsors of white gay pride events are airlines, hotels, alcoholic beverage companies, etc. while black gay pride events are primarily sponsored by pharmaceutical if we don't consume these other products. Once again, the black consumer and the black economy has been snubbed. You can read Jasmine's article here for more info on the sponsorship issues.
The organizers of black pride events don't advertise effectively. Right now, I'm thinking long and hard if I'm going to keep updating my directory for the next pride event. Reason, because it's like they wait until the last minute before they update their websites, which I think should be done by the end of January. You don't know how difficult it is to update this directory so it can reflect the events. It's lack of organization that is killing these events. Plain and simple!
2:12 AM
first off my ? is what is gay black pride?(sarcasticially speaking).and i understand what you guys are trying to do but the reality is that the black gay community don't have a chance to feel good about it self when there are so many contributing factors as to why the black gay community is the way it is and one the reasons is what southern gentlemen said.and those reasons will remain until the community as whole start loving it self and it goes beyond the black gay community its the black community as a whole.
5:17 PM
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