Black Gay Men Face 'serious problem' in HIV
Ok...I don't want to dwell on the sermons but, a few weeks ago results from a recently completed study by the CDC made headlines across the world. The message was simple: according to the study 46% of black gay men were HIV positive, and of those who tested positive 67% did not know that they were. Now, this study was done with participants in 5 different cities across America to achieve a diverse sample of participants. I don't think that these results should be surprising to any of us who can be real with ourselves. We know that our community has not been very responsible in this area, and we have taken the availability of treatments almost as a license to ignore a problem of epidemic proportions. The study brought to light many issues within our community with regards to HIV/AIDS. Another highlight of the study is the finding that men who meet online are more likely to have unprotected sex than men who meet through more conventional means. This too comes at no surprise to me...the internet provides a sense of anonymity that cannot be matched by any other method of meeting a sexual partner. Take a look at the article from the Southern Voice to learn more about the study. My only question is: when are we going to do something...besides make the problem worse.
Southern Voice Online
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