They Say, "Distance Makes the Heart Grow Stronger"
They say it, do you believe it?.... I do! I have not posted in a long time, so I figured I would resurface with a topic that is dear to my heart, Long-distance relationships! My current relationship has pretty much been a long-distance one from day one (celebrated 1 year last month). And now we may both be in transition which will keep us apart for at least another year. So what do you do to make a long distance relationship last? Should you do any more than if you're with someone in the same town or someone you live with? I think there are added measures needed to ensure that the relationship can withstand the distance. For example, communication is key in any relationship, but even more in one when you don't see eachother as much. We make a point to talk to eachother at least twice a day if not more. Make time to visit, we try to see eachother at least once a month and it's worked out thus far with trips for work and personal vacations.
I'm curious to know how many of you out there are in long distance relationships, and what do you see as challenges and what techniques have you used to deal with those challenges?
Until another topic pops in my head....midwestbrutha, out!
My experience in distance relationships (long or short) leads me to believe that it definitely takes TWO people who have a lot of understanding and lots of love and trust. I don't think you necessarily have to do more than you would ordinarily in a healthy relationship, but I think distance can be a good motivation to keep things fresh and interesting. It takes energy and creativity to keep a close, intimate relationship when you are not physically together. I have found that absence can definitely bring two hearts closer together and help build a good foundation for the future. But it's not always an easy road and it's definitely not for everyone. Best wishes on your new transition in your relationship.
1:23 PM
There are many components to a successful long distance relationship. I can think of three immediately. One, having a verified devotion to the relationship; what are the constraints of the relationship? What are the liberties of the relationship? Two, there needs to be a concrete establishment of trust. Having trust that the other partner will be socially responsible no matter what type of situation may occur. Three, knowing yourself as an individual and balancing that with your dependence for the other partner.
I am not a fan of (nor experienced in) long distance relationships, but luckily location does not determine the success of a relationship. If both parties are willing to sacrifice, practice self-control and deal with the agitation that comes along with having a long distance relationship, then things will go well.
You ask "Does Absence Make the Heart Grow Stronger/fonder"? It definitely increases the quality of the relationship if it works, but if it fails, it can definitely make the heart grow weary.
10:25 AM
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1:43 AM
Hey, I am so glad that I came across this topic. I am new to a long distance relationship, 2months. It scares me. I trust him gets hard for me so I know it must be hard for him. We decided to make monthly trips to visit each other. We talk everyday..well we speak everyday, sometimes I think we need to have phone dates. Not talking on our way somewhere or inbetween meetings, or right before bed. I think we need to talk, ya know real conversation at least once a week. Anyway I am glad to see that its working for you, it gives me hope.
Have a wonderful day
1:19 PM
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