Interesting commentary on Black Gay Life. We will give you a daily dose of our take on the world out there, while also bringing you the latest in entertainment. Please feel free to comment and tell us what you think about any of the posts. Also, if you think there is a topic we should feature please email and let us know.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

2005 World Aids Day, 1 December 2005

Support World AIDS Day

To find out more go to

Friday, November 04, 2005

Where Have We Been?

Well, I'm sure this posting may catch many of you off guard, because there has been a void in our post for quite a while now. The answer is simple, WE'VE BEEN BUSY! We have both recently had career moves which has actually resulted in us switching maybe I should become midwestbrutha and he should become eastcoastbrutha...I think we will leave things as they are though to avoid confusion. At any rate, the postings will resume on a somewhat regular schedule ...we know you missed us!