Millions More March...Be There
Interesting commentary on Black Gay Life. We will give you a daily dose of our take on the world out there, while also bringing you the latest in entertainment. Please feel free to comment and tell us what you think about any of the posts. Also, if you think there is a topic we should feature please email and let us know.
Herndon L. Davis, author of last yearÂs controversial book, ÂBlack, Gay & Christian, is preparing to enter television.
The Herndon Davis Reports will debut on DirecTV channel 227 and Comcast Cable on Sunday July 17. It will reach nearly 16 million households and Davis is hopeful the show will be expanded on other cable services.
The show will be worldÂs first black gay/lesbian, TV news/talk show. The one-hour weekly program promises to "empower the black gay/lesbian" viewer - an audience long ignored by even the gay media.
Davis says the show will be a cross between the Chris Matthews Show (MSNBC) and the Oprah Winfrey Show.
"It aggressively tackles a variety of socioeconomic and political issues impacting the gay/lesbian community but from a distinctly black gay/lesbian affirming perspective," says Davis.
Among the shows already in the works is one devoted to understanding the DL Âdown low phenomena and another on gay marriage rights.
Davis says that other topics will include spirituality, raising children, and coping with depression and homophobia,
"The Herndon Davis Reports will deeply explore into the vibrant and diverse lives of the entire black gay/lesbian community, past, present and future he adds.
In 2004, Davis self-published the spiritual empowerment book, ÂBlack, Gay & Christian, a book which challenged the status quo of homophobia within the black church as well as its scriptural interpretation of biblical text surrounding homosexuality.
The book also provided inspirational and motivational resources and texts for black gays/lesbians in order to jointly embrace and reconcile their homosexuality with their spirituality.
It appears that Davis has been able to secure airtime on local or independent broadcast channels on these two service providers, however I wonder if we can ever expect to see such a show on BET (maybe, now that it's owned by Viacom), of TVOne, the network owned by Comcast and RadioOne founder Cathy Hughes. With the advent of the new gay channel LOGO, I would expect to see more black gay media ventures spring up.
A common phrase used when joking about "gays in the military", the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy was implemented during the Clinton Administration forcing gay servicemembers deep into the closet if they wanted to remain in the military. Now it's one thing to keep yourself in the closet, but to have to do so for fear of losing your job puts a whole new spin on things.
Q & A with Frederick Smith
What was your inspiration for the book? How did you come up with the story?
DOWN FOR WHATEVER started as a short story for a fiction class I was taking. My teacher, Kerry Madden, and my small group loved the story wanted to know more. The inspiration for the short story wasn’t that profound. I wrote a scene I’d observed a million times between friends and acquaintances – the competition for dates, the repetitiveness of the club scene, and the countless resolutions to oneself to slow down and settle down. My teacher and classmates wanted to know more about Keith, the character who was the focus of the short story, and these other friends mentioned in the story. So I decided to expand the story and wrote out character biographies for Keith and his friends, Rafael, Marco Antonio, and Tommie. Once I wrote the biographies, the stories just came. It was like they spoke to me and told me what they wanted to get out. Living in
So what is DOWN FOR WHATEVER about? Is there a message?
In a nutshell, can
Have you ever been involved in any situations like your characters?
Yeah. Which situations? I’m not telling. But honestly, the novel is fiction and I wrote it based on my observations and reactions to things I have experienced or friends and family have experienced. And though some of the locations are real, the situations and characters are all made up. I guess you could say I have an active imagination and love to ask the question, “What if?” and then write about the answers.
How long did it take for you to write DOWN FOR WHATEVER?
It took about a year to write the first draft of the novel. I joined two writers workshop groups for feedback and critiquing, which helped move the novel from something with potential to a publishable piece. The re-writing process was about another year. I shopped it around to literary agents and some small publishers. After a few rejections, I lucked out. John Scognamiglio, Editorial Director at Kensington Publishing, heard about my work from a writer friend of mine named Denise Hamilton. He requested the manuscript and two weeks after sending it to him, he called me at work – yes, I have a
What was the most challenging part about writing the novel?
Figuring out how I wanted the story to end. I could have written five hundred more pages, I’m sure, but I imagined some young man or woman on-the-go wouldn’t want to haul around such a fat book on the subway or to the gym or beach. But bringing the novel to a close was hard. Do I go for the happily-ever-after ending? Do I go for the Miranda from Sex & The City sarcastic/keep-it-real ending? Or a happy medium? I wrote two endings. When you read the novel you’ll see the ending I chose. Other than that, I used my time wisely and wrote daily. As soon as I got feedback from my workshop members, I worked on revising immediately. I was so enthused and stoked about writing that I didn’t let anything come between me and the characters.
Which of the characters do you most relate to?
Well, I identify and relate to all of them for different reasons. I can tell you that Rafael was the most fun to write for. There’s tons of stuff he did, or could have done, that didn’t end up in DOWN FOR WHATEVER. He’s the bad boy you just love to have around and wish you could be—then again, maybe I am that bad boy. Hmmm… Tommie and the basketball player, Tyrell, were a fun challenge for me – writing about these smart, closeted, men in a loving relationship really made me think. Keith was fun to write smart-ass remarks and dialogue for. I had to put myself in the shoes of a smart person with a smart mouth, but who did it with class and in a subtle way. And Marco Antonio helped me learn and appreciate the life of Mexican immigrants and the tight family bonds that make survival possible in this country that’s not always kind to its citizens.
How did you balance writing this book with work, family, etc…?
There really wasn’t a major balancing act. I knew I wanted to write a novel and just prioritized for everyone and everything, including myself. I wrote before and after work (sometimes during work, but don’t tell my boss ☺, a joke!). I still hung out with friends and family for drinks, dinner, and good times. I didn’t really tell people I was writing a book, because you know how people can get when you share your dreams but they don’t know how it would happen or how to give support. They just give you that blank look that says, “Great. And everyone else is writing one too.” So I just focused on the end product, drove myself to complete it, took classes, met great people who understood the writing life and helped me meet the right people, and then I shared with everyone once I sold the manuscript.
What are you working on now?
Our friends over at Best Gay Blogs just recognized HITdatSPOT as the best gay news BLOG of the week. Many thanks to BGB, and we intend to continue bringing you the issues that matter most! Be sure to check out Best Gay Blogs!
Former S.F. mayor will help settle 13 complaints of racial discrimination leveled against proprietor of Badlands in the Castro
The owner of a gay bar accused of racial discrimination agreed Sunday to mediation to settle the dispute.
Les Natali, owner of the S.F. Badlands bar in the Castro district, has said all the allegations stem from misperceptions and misunderstandings.
The city's Human Rights Commission determined 13 complaints were valid from eight complainants who said they had been barred from patronizing or working at the bar because they are black.
Natali has agreed to allow former Mayor Willie Brown and attorney Scott Emblidge to mediate the dispute.
Julius Turman, lawyer for the complainants, said Sunday he would recommend that his clients accept Brown and Emblidge as mediators.
Protesters with the anti-discrimination group And Castro for All have picketed the bar weekly since April.
I sincerely hope that this issue is resolved, because as the gay community fights for acceptance and rights it certainly does not help to be divided within our own segment of the population.
I am sure that by now most of you have hear about the Live 8 concert held yesterday in support of African famine relief. Live 8 was an amazing outpouring from the world that crossed cultural and class lines. The concert was hosted in London by its founder Sir Bob Geldorf, who organized the first concert 20 years ago. In Philadelphia, homegrown superstar Will Smith served as the host, however it is believed that the best response for any of the hosts was that received by Nelson Mandela who hosted in Johannesburg, S.A. In all there were 20 concerts, with one in every G8 countries, as well as in South Africa. Events such as these always amaze amazes me that people across the world can put aside their racial, social, and political differences/agendas in support of a movement that the world can agree is for the "common good". These types of events provide the music is over and its time for action! For more info on Live 8 (you can view a replay if you like) click here.
Ok...I don't want to dwell on the sermons but, a few weeks ago results from a recently completed study by the CDC made headlines across the world. The message was simple: according to the study 46% of black gay men were HIV positive, and of those who tested positive 67% did not know that they were. Now, this study was done with participants in 5 different cities across America to achieve a diverse sample of participants. I don't think that these results should be surprising to any of us who can be real with ourselves. We know that our community has not been very responsible in this area, and we have taken the availability of treatments almost as a license to ignore a problem of epidemic proportions. The study brought to light many issues within our community with regards to HIV/AIDS. Another highlight of the study is the finding that men who meet online are more likely to have unprotected sex than men who meet through more conventional means. This too comes at no surprise to me...the internet provides a sense of anonymity that cannot be matched by any other method of meeting a sexual partner. Take a look at the article from the Southern Voice to learn more about the study. My only question is: when are we going to do something...besides make the problem worse.
I ran across an article about a group of folks at NYU who held a forum concerning the Black gay community, and its visibility, power, relevance, etc. The ultimate question at this summit was "Are Black Gays Invisible". It is true that the gay community as a whole has experienced a tremendous amount of growth in power and influence, however the African-American sector of that group is really behind. We all know how homosexuality is still viewed by many in the black community. Our institutions are some of the fiercest opponents of diversity, which is odd when you think of where we have come from. In an earlier post I questioned whether or not even black gays are concerned about the gay marriage just seems at times that we are standing on the sidelines while others are fighting the battles that should be important to us. One example that stands out in my mind, which occurred just last year, I participated in an AIDS Walk/Run event, which of course was organized to raise much needed funds for AIDS research and treatment. At that event I witnessed an outpouring of support from many businesses in the community and hundreds of individuals...however I must say that the African American presence was just not there. The only black organization represented was the local chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. Of all the churches, and black businesses in this city...none of them showed. The black community has to reach the realization that our relationship with our gay subculture is going to cause the decimation of our race if we do not address these issues and become educated on these matters. Just ask any of the black women who now represent the fastest growing segment of the HIV population...for more info on the NYU forum click here. By the way, I'd love your comments on this one.