Thoughts and Prayers are In New Orleans
Interesting commentary on Black Gay Life. We will give you a daily dose of our take on the world out there, while also bringing you the latest in entertainment. Please feel free to comment and tell us what you think about any of the posts. Also, if you think there is a topic we should feature please email and let us know.
A gay Mexican man with HIV was recently granted asylum in the United States after a judge found that he would be in danger if he were returned to his home country because of his sexuality. The judge also cited the fact that the man's ability to access proper treatment would be limited. Now, I am very glad that this particular judge is compassionate to the plight of HIV positive individuals, however this action has caused me to wonder about the direction of domestic "policy" here in America. Many gay men and women need to seek asylum from the very communities that they live in. We have seen a consistent string of violent acts against gays right here in this country, and many states and local jurisdictions are very reluctant to providing protection to those at risk. We also have HIV ravaging our communities, especially in the South at unprecedented rates. All of this is going on without any substantial additional attention by our government. When will we begin to show the same consideration to our own that we seek to extend throughout the world to others in need?